legal notice
Information according to §5, German Broadcast Media Act (TMG)
Wilhelm & Beck
Prinzenstraße 13
80639 Munich
Entitled to act as representative
Jürgen Wilhelm
Josef Beck
Alexander Rüdig
Dr. Daniel Schröer
Contact details
Phone: +49 89 12 11 47 30
Facsimile: +49 89 12 11 47 35
VAT ID no. according to §27 a of German Value Added Tax Act: DE812914912
Boards and offices
For patent attorneys
Occupational title “Patent Attorney”, “European Patent Attorney” and “Professional Representative before the European Patent Office”, granted in the Federal Republic of Germany
Responsible board for patent attorneys: Board of Patent Attorneys (Patentanwaltskammer), Tal 29, 80331 Munich, Germany
Responsible board for European patent attorneys: epi – The Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (Institut der beim Europäischen Patentamt zugelassenen Vertreter)
For attorneys-at-Law
Occupational title “Attorney-at-Law”, granted in the Federal Republic of Germany
Responsible regulatory agency: Munich Bar Association (Rechtsanwaltskammer), Tal 33, 80331 Munich
Responsible board: Munich Bar Association (Rechtsanwaltskammer), Tal 33, 80331 Munich
Online Dispute Resolution
EU platform for out-of-court online dispute resolution:
Professional code of conduct
For patent attorneys
Patent Attorneys’ Code of Conduct (Patentanwaltsordnung) (BGBl I 1966, p. 557, last amended by BGBl I 2001, 3656)
Code of Professional Conduct of Patent Attorneys (Berufsordnung der Patentanwälte) (Notices 1997, p. 243 seq.)
FICPI Conduct Rules
Provisions for Disciplinary Matters for Professional Representatives (EPO Gazette 1978, 91, EPO Gazette 2008, 14
Professional Regulations of the Institute for Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (EPO Gazette 2003, 523)
For attorneys-at-Law
Federal Code for the Legal Profession (Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung – BRAO)
Professional Code of Conduct for Attorneys-at-Law (Berufsordnung für Rechtsanwälte – BORA)
Specialized Solicitors’ Code (Fachanwaltsordnung – FAO)
Lawyers’ Compensation Act (Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz – RVG)
Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE)
To look up these regulations, please refer to the Federal Bar Association at
Information on professional indemnity
For our attorneys, a professional indemnity insurance on an international scale exists with Zurich Insurance plc, German subsidiary, Solmsstrasse 27-37, 60486 Frankfurt am Main
Liability disclaimer
This website contains information and comments on legal issues and developments in the field of industrial property. These contents do not lay claim to being exhaustive and must not be mistaken as professional legal advice; insofar any liability is herewith excluded. Neither do we assume any liability for the contents of websites which are referred to in a link from the present website.